Cemetery Survey
This project was initiated because there has been a growing concern about the condition of many cemeteries in Chowan County, for it is known that these graveyards link us to our family heritage and past. It is important to preserve our cemeteries for future generations and genealogical research. Many of the churchyard cemeteries are in good condition, but the small plots are in danger of disappearing because of neglect, vandalism, and simply by environmental elements. It is extremely hard to know where they all exist because of overgrowth and location. The public is strongly encouraged to help out with this project whether it's simply giving the location of a grave or family plot, recording transcriptions of graves, or helping clean up or cut down the overgrowth that covers a site.
If you would like to volunteer information concerning a site, please contact Carrie Byrum at 252-482-8431 or carrie.byrum@chowan.nc.gov.
We would like to thank all those who assisted us or contributed information for this project.
Carlton AsbellClarence Bass
Andy Bunch
Buddy Bunch
George Don Copeland
Dwayne Goodwin
Ray Goodwin
Wayne Goodwin
Chris M. Perry
J. Peter Rascoe III
Tony Webb