Business personal property includes but is not limited to machinery, computer/office equipment, furniture equipment, and farm equipment. The listing must be submitted before January 31 to avoid a 10% late list penalty. However, an extension can be granted until April 15, if the request is made in writing and is postmarked or submitted on or before January 31. If you have any questions concerning business personal property, please contact us.

Generally, business personal property should be listed at 100% of the original cost to the original owner. The property is then valued using the North Carolina Department of Revenue Cost Index and Depreciation Schedules as a guide to calculate the replacement cost new and depreciation amounts. Other appraisal methods are used when appropriate.



Complete and Mail or Fax Listing

Complete all sections of the listing form attaching additional sheets if necessary. Prior year costs are preprinted on the form. If you did not receive a listing form, you may print and complete a 2024 Business Personal Property Listing Form from the link below or if you are a new business, you may request a form by calling the tax office at (252) 482-8487, or see the link shown below to print a blank form to send to us. Please also see the Business Personal Property Listing Instructions. Once completed, you may submit the form by:

Mail: Chowan County Tax Office, Attn: Business Listing, Po Box 1030  Edenton, NC 27932

Fax: 252-482-1528, Attn: Business Listing

In person: Chowan County Tax Office, 305 W. Freemason St  Edenton, NC 27932



To receive a listing extension, the request must be made in writing and received by our office no later than January 31.

Once your extension is granted, you will have until April 15 to submit your listing form.



Appeals relating to the value, situs, or taxability must be received within 30 days of the billing date shown on the original annual tax bill. Therefore, it is suggested that you verify the information on your bill as soon as you receive it.


2023_BPP_Blank_Listing_Form(1).pdf 2023 Business Personal Property Listing Form