Need help in filling out your listing form you receive each January?
Watch the instructional video above for some clarification!


Local property taxes are based on the value of real property and certain types of personal property. It is the responsibility of the Tax Office to ensure that property values are assessed uniformly and equitably among all property owners throughout the county.


  • Personal Property
  • Licensed Motor Vehicles
  • Business Personal Property
  • Real Property


TAX CALANDER                                                                                                  

 January 1 - January 31                                                    Annual required listing period
 January 1 - March 31 Informal Property Assessment Appeals
 April 1 - June Formal Property Assessment Appeals heard by the Board of Equalization and Review and NC State Property Tax Commission
 June Board of County Commissioners adopt tax rate 
 July - August Property owners receive annual tax bill 
 September 1 Tax bills are due! 
 January 5 Last day to pay taxes at par (without interest) 



January is the annual listing period. The property owner is responsible for completing and submitting a listing form to the Tax Office by January 31. The listing form should include any physical changes that could affect the owner's real property value and any personal property owned as of January 1. Listing forms submitted after January 31 are subject to a late list penalty of 10%.

  • Personal Property Listing Form
  • Business Personal Property Listing Information

**Both of these forms can be found at the bottom of this page**



Real and personal property tax payments are due September 1 and payable through January 5 of the following year without interest. On January 6, interest is added and delinquent collection remedies are started.



To change or correct the mailing address we are using to mail your tax bills and related correspondence, please call us at (252) 482-8486, or print, complete, and sign the address correction or change form. You may drop the form off to us in person or mail it to us at PO Box 1030 Edenton, NC 27932. 

Present_Use_Value_Application_Form(1).pdf Present Use Value Application Form
Taxpayer_Personal_Information_Change_Request(1).pdf Taxpayer Personal Information Change Request Form